I had to smile when I pulled this mug out of the dishwasher this morning.
The past few years have been quite a journey, and my husband and kids have been along for the ride. I’ve taken my kids along with me to continuing education courses across country- because I didn’t really have much of a choice if I wanted to pursue specific disciplines with certain teachers. It hasn’t been easy- but by the blessings of God and the help of my family- I have been been able to make some strides.
I just recently gained membership into the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, with the goal that I may want to pursue Accreditation into the academy.
What is accreditation? It is when you take a written exam and submit specific cases for review under very critical eyes! If you pass all your cases, you become an Accredited member of the Academy- which is a high distinction among your dental peers, because you have gone through a rigorous evaluation of your dental aesthetics. Not everyone who submit cases, passes- but one of my mentors told me that to even begin working towards the process is leap years ahead of where I was in my dental career.
I’m not sure if I will go through the process, but I do agree with my mentor that I would rather be on the path to excellence and know that I’m better off than where I started- meaning don’t stay stagnant!. I don’t think there are too many things that are out of reach- but it’s just a matter of getting started- and being consistent.
As the work week comes to an end- I would appreciate any advice you have as you have set off for your goals- or perhaps, what are some things you are aspiring to do? Let me know in the comments on Instagram. In a community- whether it’s local or global- I believe support is key in encouraging one another to better ourselves.
Happy Friday!